Understanding the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Family Court Code:
Marriage, Divorce, and Custody
Continuing Legal Education Panel on Zoom Webinar
12-1:30pm ET AUGUST 30, 2023
Sponsored by the NYS Child Welfare Court Improvement Project.
This program has been approved for 1.5 (1 professional practice and .5 diversity and inclusivity) CLE credits by the NYS Unified Court System, Office for Justice Initiatives, Division of Policy and Planning in accordance with the requirements of the NYS Continuing Legal Education Board. This training is free of charge and is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.
Those who would like to receive NY CLE credits must complete the Affirmation form and submit it to oppcle@nycourts.gov
by COB on August 30, 2023.
About the training:
At this tuition free CLE (pending approval), participants will learn about tribal courts generally, including an overview of jurisdiction and tips for tribal court practice. The session will then take a deep dive into the tribal code, providing practitioners with a detailed training on the divorce and child custody provisions. This CLE will address elimination of bias through the discussion of tribal courts, tribal sovereignty and the differences between the tribal and state codes. Featuring:
Kathryn Fort, Senior Consultant, The Whitener Group
Ron Whitener, Co-owner, The Whitener Group