Keynote 2
A Silent Epidemic: Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys
Lenny Hayes, Tate Topa Consulting
1.25 CLE; 1.25 SWCE
Often men are the neglected victim of all forms of sexual violence. It is frightening to realize how widespread sexual abuse and violence is in our society and yet how strong the denial of it is. Post-traumatic recovery, healing and healthy relationships are possible.
Reminder: This presentation will include information reflective of individual experiences including some topics that participants may identify with personally or find challenging to discuss. We encourage all participants to take care of themselves and their needs--as always feel free to take breaks or leave at any point in time.

Click names to learn more.
7:00am AK
8:00am PT
9:00am MT
10:00am CT
11:00am ET
Break 8:15am AK - 9:15am PT - 10:15am MT - 11:15am CT - 12:15pm ET
Plenary Session 2
Restorative and Racial Justice in Tribal Communities
Kevin Maillard, Syracuse University
The Black Lives Matter movement has brought difficult topics to the surface, encouraging dialogue that has long been silenced or overlooked. Indigenous communities are particularly situated to reevaluate their roles in combating institutionalized racism. This timely discussion will emphasize implicit bias in police interventions and anti-black racism in tribal communities. Kevin Maillard focuses on family law, civil liberties, and popular culture.
Video here
8:45am AK
9:45am PT
10:45pm MT
11:45pm CT
12:45pm ET
Break 9:45am AK - 10:45am PT - 11:45am MT - 12:45pm CT - 1:45pm ET
Breakout Session 2
Social Services: Adverse Childhood Experiences
Dr. Megan Gunnar, University of Minnesota
1.5 CLE; 1.5 SWCE
Formative years of development carry us into adulthood. The Gunnar Laboratory for Developmental Psychobiology Research studies how children and adolescents regulate stress and emotions. Psychosocial stress conditions shape stress reactivity and regulation in both youth with a history of deprived care (adopted children) and children reared in their families of origin.
Law Enforcement: Identifying Human Trafficking in Tribal Communities
Victoria Sweet, The NoVo Foundation
Hon. Kelly Stoner, Tribal Law and Policy Institute
1.5 CLE
The crime of human trafficking is a multifaceted and complex crime that can be difficult to identify. It often appears as something else such as domestic violence, neglect, truancy, or drug possession. Without proper identification, the system fails victims as their true needs are never met. How can you tell if you might be dealing with human trafficking?
Tribal governments have the power to police their communities in a way to prevent human trafficking and punish those involved in such activities. Accordingly, this presenter will discuss particular code provisions tribal governments may enact to prevent human trafficking within their communities, as well as tips for law enforcement to prevent trafficking.